The Paradox of Unanimous Prosperity

The following  entry describes my personal and holistic view of how the world functions, specifically in reference to the distribution of wealth. These ideas pertain to the concept of prosperity for everyone, or at least the vast majority, and why this is impossible to achieve, both economically and philosophically. I will attempt to draw parallels with proven scientific concepts in order to better support my argument. However, I acknowledge that this is not an entirely deductive piece and will have inductive elements based on several assumptions that cannot be proven nor disproved; but then again, it’s almost impossible to talk about philosophy without an inductive base from which to start. Read more

Welcome to the Dao of Philosophy

Hello and Welcome to the Dao of Philosophy!

I created this blog as a way to put into words, the many ideas that have been gestating in my mind for years. Ideally, I would like to make people really think about ideas they have never even considered, as well as help those who have similar ideas but have also yet to put them into words. This blog is meant to be a self expression of my thoughts and processes in regards to philosophy. Read more

What is Rousseau’s State of Nature and how does it differ from Hobbes’?

This is my first, and inaugural, post in which I decided to compare the state of nature as described by the Philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau. Essentially, the argument is that, unlike common interpretations, I believe their views of the state of nature to be very similar. To use a religious analogy of their differences: Rousseau believes the state of nature to be Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden whereas Hobbes believes the origin of man and our state of nature to be after Adam and Eve consumed the Read more